Preparing For Your Customers' Next Normal
a strategy guide for communicating with your customer impacted by COVID-19.
Start Reading
In our whitepaper, Preparing For Your Customers' Next Normal, you will:
Understand the consumer during the pandemic
Have an understanding about a return to "normal"
Identify three key "next normal" signals
These insights are based on data from various sources including, Morning Consult and McKinsey & Company which have been tracking consumer behavior through the pandemic.
Put it to Work
Access to research and insights can make a significant difference to your brand, so we’ve specifically designed this whitepaper as an actionable resource.

US consumer purchasing behavior provided in easy-to-reference charts, perfect for printing and sticking it above your desk or on the community board.
2021 strategy for communicating with your customers impacted by COVID-19 and a check-list of opportunities to consider, based off of the learnings presented in this document.
Download the Whitepaper
About UniComm Media Group, LLC
UMG, based in Greenville, SC is the first full-service Hispanic marketing, advertising and event management agency in South Carolina. UMG helps companies connect with multicultural audiences through exceptional strategies, effective communications, compelling creative and measurable results.