Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with Valuable Insights As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, UniComm Media Group is thrilled to unveil our latest whitepaper: “Hispanic Market Segmentation for Brands.” This year, we’ve expanded on our […]

How Does Tax Season Impact Marketing to American Hispanics?
The Hispanic community continues to grow each year. The spending power of the more than 57 million Hispanics in the U.S. offers a unique opportunity for retailers, manufacturers, the food industry, the health industry, and other brands in the consumer space. In fact, marketing industry research suggests that Hispanic spending increases across the automotive, retail, consumer goods, financial services, and insurance sectors throughout tax season.
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Conversations Trending in the Hispanic Market
As more Hispanic families stay at home, Latinos are more active online. At UMG, we want to show you what they are talking about and how they are engaging online.
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7 Tips for Working From Home
If you had asked us in January of this year what we would be doing in May, we wouldn’t have thought that our work location would be a part of the conversation. We are now on month 2 of operating as a remote team. This new reality has brought with it a lot of opportunities to explore and learn about what a remote lifestyle could look like. We wanted to share 7 tips on how to navigate this new approach to work from our perspective.
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Projecting the Post-COVID-19 Hispanic Consumer
States across the country are slowly reopening parts of their economies as impacts of COVID-19 begin to wane in certain local communities. In those states, park systems, many retail businesses and even some close contact establishments like gyms are being allowed to reopen in an effort to revive local economies. While these efforts will certainly make it easier for consumers to buy goods and for retail and service workers to return to the workforce, it remains to be seen how consumers will interact with this slowly-opening economy, and initial results from a national survey from Latino Decisions suggests that Hispanic consumers will be among the most affected consumers with 76% of Hispanics expressing concern that they won’t be able to cover basic expenses in the months ahead. [Read more…]
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How to Reach Home-Bound Hispanics During the Coronavirus Pandemic
The ongoing pandemic continues to change how brands reach their consumers. Online internet traffic is up across the board and with most of the country under stay-at-home orders, consumers are spending more time than ever in front of screens. The Hispanic market is no different. Already considered heavy consumers of digital content, Hispanic consumers in the COVID-19 era are finding themselves online for longer and across a wide variety of channels.
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Initial Insights into the COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on the Hispanic Market
This week, the Pew Research Center came out with some interesting data on how COVID-19 is impacting the Hispanic market. Given the amount of uncharted territory our industry is facing because of COVID-19, we wanted to summarize some of their research and share some insights about how your brand can stay engaged with the Hispanic market during this time.
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American Advertising Federation Recognizes UniComm Media Group For Excellence in Print Advertising During Awards Gala
(Greenville, S.C.) March 10, 2020 – UniComm Media Group (UMG), a full service, advertising agency with Hispanic marketing capabilities, was recognized with a Silver Addy by the American Advertising Federation of Greenville (AAF Greenville) for outstanding work in Print Advertising with a ‘No Gandhi’ advertisement campaign for Alliance Dental Group.
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Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries Selects UniComm Media Group To Reach The Hispanic Community
(Greenville, S.C.) Feb 20, 2020 – UniComm Media Group (UMG), a full service, advertising agency with Hispanic marketing capabilities, was contracted to create a state-wide digital awareness campaign for the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF). [Read more…]
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Hispanic Heritage Focus: Celebrating Three Kings Day
2020 is well underway, but we wanted to take a minute to reflect on our favorite holiday. In many countries, Christmas or New Year’s gets the most attention, but for many Hispanic cultures, it’s Three Kings Day (a.k.a., Epiphany) that, quite literally, takes the cake. This year, in honor of UMG’s 10th anniversary, we wanted to celebrate Three Kings Day in a special way, so we commissioned local Greenville sculptor, Doug Young, to create a 3 Kings bas-relief for our clients. Here, we want to dive a little deeper into how Hispanic cultures around the world celebrate Three Kings Day.
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How Can I Develop Customer Experience Marketing for my Brand?
In our last post, we talked about Customer Experience Marketing and gave examples of how clients have used it to advance their brands. To recap briefly, Customer Experience Marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on how your customers feel about their experience with your brand. It’s especially effective for marketers targeting a particular client segment or trouble-shooting downward trends in marketing conversions. How can you incorporate Customer Experience Marketing into your marketing strategy?
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